Envision Greater Green Bay
Fall 2024 Cohort

Prepare Final Workshop - November 15th

Webinar #3 Slide Deck

Each team is asked to present for around 15-20 minutes on:

1) Personal reflections on this foresight journey
Professional reflections how are you planning to integrate

2) Your Organization’s ‘Transformed Future’ — see template and examples below:

Four Futures Final Workshop Assignment + Template PPT

Examples of Four Futures -
Example 1;
Example 2;
Example 3;
Example 4
Example 5

3) T-Shaped Skill sets and Mindsets (OPTIONAL)

Webinar #2 - Follow up & Next Steps

Copy of the Slide Deck

  1. Schedule time for your team with Garry

  2. Complete your 2x2 Uncertainty Matrix (PPT)
    We are looking for 2-3 Matrix sheets completed with ‘low-high’ Uncertainty themes — and then if you can insert within the quadrants a headline or description.
    Video of Garry’s Review

  3. Keep Scanning for Signals
    Expand your breadth of resources and themes of change
    Reminder to set up a Diigo Account (If you wish to externalize your memory!)
    Raindrop is an alternative

  4. ChatGPT / Custom GPT
    We encourage every organization to set up a custom GPT using OpenAI’s ChatGPT Premium service.
    If not, Garry is happy to set up a GPT on his enterprise account and provide you with access.

Webinar #1 - Follow up & Next Steps

Copy of the Slide Deck

  1. Schedule time for your team with Garry

  2. Keep Scanning for Signals
    Expand your breadth of resources and themes of change
    Reminder to set up a Diigo Account (If you wish to externalize your memory!)
    Raindrop is an alternative

  3. ChatGPT / Custom GPT
    We encourage every organization to set up a custom GPT using OpenAI’s ChatGPT Premium service.
    If not, Garry is happy to set up a GPT on his enterprise account and provide you with access.

  4. Start Drafting your Domain Map
    During the call with Garry you’ll learn more...
    The Domain map is designed to help you identify themes shaping the future of your sector. By default it helps us find key words / concepts to scan for signals around.

    - (PPT Editable File)
    - Dave Wegge’s PPT Presentation Slides

Kickoff Workshop
September 6th

Please take this Pre-Session Survey

Workshop materials will be shared after the session
