Envision Greater Green Bay
Winter 2023 Cohort

Kickoff Workshop
February 3rd

Slide Deck Presentation - PDF

Resource Guide PDF

Domain Worksheet (PPT Editable File)

Preparing for
Webinar #1
February 17th

Start Scanning:

Start to fill in your Domain Map

We will cover this more during the Webinar but if you have a moment — start filling in your
Domain Worksheet (PPT Editable File)

Recap of
Webinar #1

PDF of Slide Deck

Domain Maps
Example 1 ; Example 2; Example 3

Recap of
Webinar #2

PDF of Slide Deck Webinar #2

Task before Webinar #3:

1) Schedule 1-1 (Team) time with Garry ?

2) Complete the Uncertainty Matrix
Email it to Garry (garrygolden@gmail.com)

Bonus Points:
Watch this video on various Scenario Planning by Alex Fergnani

Recap of Webinar #3
+ Preparation for Final Presentations

Preparation for our Final Session on March 31st

Each person or team is asked to present for around 10 minutes (team pairs can take longer if needed!) on:

1) Personal reflections on this foresight journey
Professional reflections how are you planning to integrate

2) Your Organization’s ‘Transformed Future’ — see template and examples below:

Final Presentation Instructions and Template for Transformed Futures

Examples of Four Futures - Example 1; Example 2; Example 3;
