Summer 2021
Time Travel Week


Summer 2021 Program:
Time Travel Week

A week long experience
9:00 am to 3:00 pm for kids ages 6.5 - 11
Runs June 28th - September 10th

This five-day program is for young people who love to have fun, ask weird questions and use their imagination while exploring the past, present and future. We will run a week-long curriculum beginning June 28th through the end of Summer.

What to expect
It is summer time, so we will spend most of our time outside playing games mixed with STEAM-focused, hands-on learning activities.

Each day we will travel through time, going deep into the past using our mineral and rocks collection for inspiration. We will learn and play with bubbles, magnets, and light prisms to understand more about the Earth and Universe.

We’ll also jump into the future — imagining what life might be like with space travel and new technologies like self-driving cars and wearable exoskeletons!

The week includes making things every day, culminating with a take home personal time capsule that families can bury or put away (in your closet!) for safe keeping until 2050.

Learn more below about the schedule, activities, Covid-policy, scholarships and sign up below!


Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule: 9:00 - 3:00
The class is based in our retail store

  • Gathering spot: Into the Future
    (477 7th Ave, Brooklyn)

  • Morning: Prospect Park

  • Lunch: Into the Future (either at tables outside in the shade or inside, weather permitting)

  • Afternoon: Mayrose Park & Butterfly Garden near PS10

Pick up spot: Into the Future, 7th Ave & Windsor Pl

Look at our week together

Day One

The Elements

Learn how stars create elements like carbon, oxygen, iron, and silicon - which shape everything in our bodies and the world around us!

We will play with magnets, pyrite, quartz and bright green copper ores.

Create our own Nebula Jars

Day Two

Things that See

Look through light prisms and lenses to learn about the first Trilobite eyes! Then, we leap into the future to imagine a world where cars can see.

We will play with calcite, quartz and light prisms!

Activity options:
Create Futuristic Objects that Can See

Day Three Creativity

Learn about early human creativity by making rock pigments to tell stories on our own cave wall paintings!

We will play with banded iron, hematite, volcanic material and stromatolites.

Create Cave Wall Paintings about Life in 2021!

Day Four
Shells & Skeletons

Learn about minerals found in shells and fossil skeletons then design our own futuristic exoskeleton suits!

We will play with fossils, shells, fluorites and jaspers.

Create Futuristic Exoskeleton Suits!

Day Five

After a nice hike in Prospect Park we will create our own personal Time Capsules that won’t be opened until 2040 when we are grownups!

Our Location: South Slope Brooklyn (F/G Trains)
Our retail store home base is at 477 7th Ave (Windsor Place) but we will spend lots of time in Prospect Park and nearby at the Butteryfly Garden and Mayrose (Triangle) Park.

Our Covid Policy

Safety Policy