1. Into the Future Participation Authorization & Waiver of Liability

Participation Authorization

I am at least 18 years old and enrolling on my own behalf of, or I am the parent or legal guardian of a minor (“Participant”) who is enrolling in a class, club, summer program or other event (“Program”) by or with Forward Elements Inc. DBA Into the Future (“ITF”).

I give authorization and approval for my Participant’s involvement in any and all of the activities of the Program led by ITF. I certify that the Participant is in good health and that the Participant has no limitations that with or without a reasonable accommodation would preclude their safe participation in a Program led by ITF. I acknowledge that the above is not inclusive of all possible risks associated with the Program and that the above in no way limits the extent or reach of this release.

Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability

I recognize and understand there are certain risks and dangers inherent in participating in any type of activity, including those that are offered in ITF’s Programs.

Accordingly I assume full responsibility for all such risks taken and any injuries incurred by a Participant during the course of ITF’s Programs.

By enrolling the Participant in an ITF Program, I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless on behalf of myself, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns ITF, its officers, agents, employees personnel, volunteers and any other person or entity acting on ITF’s behalf (“Released Parties”) from any cause of action, claims, or demands of any nature whatsoever, including but not limited to, a claim of negligence, which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, and assigns may now have or have in the future against the Released Parties, on account of any personal injury, property damage, death or accident of any kind arising out of or in any way related to my Participant’s enrollment in an ITF Program.

Through my signature below, or checking the appropriate box during online registration, I acknowledge that I have read this Enrollment Agreement and understand that it includes an assumption of the risk and a release of liability.

I understand that ITF is relying on this waiver in allowing my Participant to participate in the Program.

2. Program & ITF Facility Policies

Arrival & Dismissal

Travel to and from ITF Programs is the responsibility of the Participant and their parents/guardians. The Participant may self-arrive and may be self-dismiss if the Participant is over 18, or if permission in advance is provided in writing to ITF by the parent or guardian.

Participant Cancelation Policy

There is a 48-hour grace period from the time when your payment was processed to cancel your Program reservation for a full refund (minus processing fee). Full refunds apply only to registrations that have been requested at least one week prior to the start of Program’s classes. Cancelations one week prior to the start of Program’s classes will receive a 50% refund (minus processing fee). Families may alternatively ask for a credit applied to future Programs. Once a Program starts, there is no refund but families may receive a credit applied to future Programs.

Absences/Missed Classea

For multi-week classes, ITF will deliver a 30 minute make up digital session for missed classes due to illness or unforeseen difficulties. This may be done as a group experience or through on-line programming.

The cancellation policy in Section 2(b) remains in effect at all times.

ITF Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy

ITF may need to cancel, modify or reschedule parts of a Program due to a variety of reasons. In such situations, ITF will notify you of such changes in a timely manner and provide options for participating in the rescheduled Program or other Programs if preferred.

Food/Snack Policy

A Participant is expected to bring whatever food, snacks, water, and/or drinks they need. ITF may provide healthy snacks and drinks for any Participant who arrives without a snack for any reason. Special Events and Programs may include plans for meals as stated during sign up and registration of those Events and Programs.

All food must be tree-nut free and not require refrigeration. Indemnification and hold harmless language in Section 1(b) applies equally to all food provided to the Participant while under ITF’s care.

I have alerted ITF of any medical issue, dietary issue, allergy, or illness that could impact the safety and wellbeing of the Participant and their peers in the Program. If the Participant might require an EpiPen, other medical device or medication, I have given it (labeled with the Participant’s name) to ITF staff with explicit, written instructions.

Emergency Medical Treatment

I give permission to ITF to obtain the necessary emergency medical treatment for the Participant, with the understanding that the family is notified as soon as possible. If the Participant receives an injury during the session, I am responsible for any medical expenses incurred.

Outdoor Health and Safety Policy

ITF has an on-premise gated outdoor area where young people may receive instruction and participate in group activities. ITF has my permission to take walking trips to neighborhood parks. The decision to have outdoor programming is made if children’s comfort and safety is not significantly compromised by rain, thunderstorm activity, or severe heat. I understand that if I would like the Participant to wear sunscreen while outside, I will provide that in their bag each day. ITF will not apply sunscreen to the Participant, but will remind them to apply it, if requested by the parent or guardian.

Children should wear footwear that allows them to be active and safe. Parents may choose to have their children abstain from participating by alerting us at drop off or in advance by email/ text.

Lost and Found

ITF recommends that you label all personal items with your Participant’s name. ITF is not responsible for any lost, stolen or misplaced items.

Safety Policy

ITF’s Safety Policy can be found here.


Media and Content Policies

Content Created by Participant In the course of participating in ITF Programs, your Participant may create various types of creative works, such as photographs, audio-video recordings, and software programs, in which he or she may own the copyright as a result of such efforts. I agree that all work created by my Participant while participating in an ITF Program may be used by ITF as part of its curriculum or in other promotional materials, marketing collateral and social media for any and all purposes, including recruitment, advertising, public relations, obtaining grants, or other purposes related to the mission and work of ITF, as well as for its historical records.

Photo/Video Release

I authorize ITF to take photographs, and audio/video recordings, audio and testimonials of my Participant and agree that ITF may use such content that contains my Participant’s image and/or likeness in promotional materials, marketing collateral, and online media for any and all purposes, including recruitment, advertising, public relations, obtaining grants, or other purposes related to the mission and work of ITF, as well as for its historical records. I understand that personal identity information about the Participant will never be shared in conjunction with these photographs without my permission.

ITF Intellectual Property Rights

The ITF Programs contains copyrighted material, trademarks, and other similar proprietary information that is the exclusive property of ITF or is authorized to use it under license from third party rights holders (“ITF IP”). ITF IP is protected by copyright law, registered and unregistered trademarks, database rights, and other intellectual property rights and outside of participation in an ITF Program, may not be used without ITF’s prior written consent.


Code of Conduct I agree that I have read through, understand, and agree that my Participant will be held to the Code of Conduct set forth below. I also agree that I have reviewed the Code of Conduct with my Participant(s). I understand that a Participant may be dismissed from an individual session or from an entire Program for a violation of the Code of Conduct or for behavior that an ITF representative believes is disruptive to a Program. Refunds will not be given for Participants dismissed for failure of the to abide by the Code of Conduct. If a Participant has had behavioral issues or is subject to disciplinary actions in his or her school, ITF requests you disclose any pertinent information before the start of a Program (or during the course of a program if such behaviors or disciplinary matters occur while he or she is participating in a Program). Should ITF learn that a parent or guardian has not disclosed such information and it is determined that the Participant is in violation of the Code of Conduct or has been disruptive to a Program, no refunds will not be issued.

Participant exhibiting behavior that may be harmful to themselves or others may be gently held by ITF staff to prevent them from causing harm. Participants May NEVER: - engage in or threaten violence; - bully, intimidate, or harass others; - damage facilities or equipment; - sexually harass others; - view pornography or any inappropriate material (including sexual content, inappropriate violence, racism, bullying, etc.) on the Internet; - steal property of others; - engage in internet hacking; - use or possess weapons

Acknowledgement & Signature

I have read and understand this Enrollment Agreement, including the Code of Conduct in Section 4, and the attached policy agreements, including the Safety Policy, and the COVID-19 Policy, and agree to its terms as acknowledged electronically during the registration process or by my signature below.